Global Smart Street Lighting & Smart Cities
A 125-country dataset and study covering the global market for both LED and smart street lighting. Includes 10-year forecasts by country and detailed vendor market share data.
A 125-country dataset and study covering the global market for both LED and smart street lighting. Includes 10-year forecasts by country and detailed vendor market share data.
A 4-page research note covering the American Water Works Association (AWWA) conference held in Anaheim, California.
A dataset and accompanying slide pack covering the EV charging infrastructure market, including 10-year forecasts for 70 individual countries.
A 4-page research note covering the Smart City Expo conference held in New York City.
A 3-page research note covering the Smart Cities Connect conference held in Raleigh, North Carolina.
A study of the market for distribution grid sensors in the US. Market segments include: line sensors, distribution transformer monitors and distribution automation devices on AMI and cellular networks. Research includes market share data for the leading vendors.
An 8-page research note covering the DistribuTech conference held in Orlando, Florida.
A study and benchmark of the electric vehicle managed charging programs of the top 100 US utilities. Includes forecast of aggregate DER capacity from these programs.
A study of the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) market in the United States over the next decade. Forecast includes both first-time and AMI 2.0 deployments.
A 3-page research note covering the Smart Cities Connect conference held in Washington, DC.